About Us
About Us

Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation is a Trust constituted to build a masjid and community facilities including Hospital, community kitchen and Indo-Islamic cultural research centre which will include an Archive/Museum at the allocated 5 Acre plot at Dhannipur village, District Ayodhya.
For the allocated 5 acre plot, IICF has proposed an architectural plan that was unveiled in a press meet on 19th December 2020 at the IICF office in Lucknow. Apart from the mosque, there is a provision for a 200+ bed hospital, an Archive Center that will house a museum, and a community kitchen to serve free meals to undernourished and malnourished children and women.

Our Objective

The objectives of Indo Islamic Cultural Foundation are:
- To establish an Indo Islamic Cultural Study Centre with a library, a museum/archive, a publishing house and a media centre to showcase Indo Islamic culture.
- To establish and build a mosque.
- To establish a community kitchen to make a provision of free food for the needy.
- To establish a medical centre, provide relief in times of natural calamities and disasters.
- To provide for grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to the needy and deserving students for pursuing education, vocational training, skill development etc.
- To establish centres for provision of Indo Islamic thought and teachings keeping in view the diverse and multi-religious culture of India.
- To establish, run and maintain such other charitable institutions, societies, foundations, and associations for the benefit and betterment of public.
- To promote communal and social harmony.